Monday 15 September 2014

How it started

   After five tedious first dates and way too many long island iced teas, I found myself asking if there's more in life than men.
   What can I do in my evenings that will actually not kill me of boredom and  dig me up from this dull cultural grave I've been burying myself into since I got to Vietnam??
   This is how the idea of watching a film per day crossed my mind. Brilliant I thought. But if watching a film per day wasn't enough, my friend Chris asked me to write a review about all the films I was about to watch. Now that's actually the reason why this blog started.
   I hope I'll have a fine time reading it. Or not. Who cares?
  For the record, I just ditched another first date in order to (re)watch The Godfather. The thing, ladies and gentlemen, is that with The Godfather I know I'll have an awesome evening and I won't be playing the Russian roulette with some awkward guy trying to kiss me through my full face helmet.

   If any of the people I had first dates with in the past 5 weeks are reading this. I am not sorry for this post. Live with it. It's not like I can take those wasted hours back anyway.

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