Friday 26 September 2014

Day 11: One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest | 1975 | USA | Milos Forman

8.4 / 10

Chief Bromden: Mmmmmm, Juicy Fruit.

      Two words: Jack Nicholson, Jack Nicholson, Jack Nicholson, Jack Nicholson... 
      I needed to state that first so I could proceed.  
     "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" is a tremendous film that aged well. It remains as one of the most powerful and relevant films about the ones who don't "fit " the society of today. It's a landmark. 
      It has a powerful story and a superb cast. Nicholson is brilliant as Randall McMurphy and Louise Fletcher as Nurse Ratchet delivers one of the best villains of the history of cinema. But it would be unfair just to highlight these two actors. This film contemplates one of the best acted ensembles ever. 

       Randall Patrick McMurphy is a brave man pretending to be crazy to escape prison.   Nothing spectacular about that. Surprising is what he does after that.  He's a likeable and unforgettable free-spirited character that cares for his friends. What he doesn't know is that his kindness comes with a price.

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