Monday 22 September 2014

Day 7: Tyrannosaur

Tyrannosaur | 2011 | The UK | Paddy Considine

8 / 10

"I thought you were beautiful. I just wanted to look at you. That's all. Didn't want to know you, because i knew that if i got to know you, you'd have your own shite, you wouldn't be perfect and i didn't want that feeling ruined."

   Tyrannosaur tells a story about Joseph and the three beings that touched is heart: Bluey, Sam and Hannah.
   Joseph is a British unemployed widower living in Leeds. A town where everyone is apparently forlorn and doleful. The film portraits the British working class miserabilism of today.
   Joseph is presented to us as a monster, consumed by rage and violence. After an upsetting act in which as spectators we are pushed to the limits, Considine invites us to understand this creature. And surprisingly we'll try. It's inevitable.
    Considine introduces us to a British social realism with a raw direction and sublime acting. And that's all there is. Don't look for a message, there's no message. The film is all about the performances and reality. All about deep sadness and rage and redemption. 
   From beating up a dog to a man urinating on a sleeping woman, all I can say is that it stays with us and reminds us of our nature of destroying what we love the most.

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